Wednesday, 19 October 2011

frnz u might have studied or heard of accessing memory 2D but wont it be more speedy if v can access in 3D..

Three-dimensional integration enables stacking memory directly on top of a microprocessor, thereby significantly reducing wire delay between the two. Previous studies have examined the performance benefits of such an approach, but all of these works only consider commodity 2D DRAM organizations. In this work, we explore more aggressive 3D DRAM organizations that make better use of the additional die-to-die bandwidth provided by 3D stacking, as well as the additional transistor count. Our simulation results show that with a few simple changes to the 3D-DRAM organization, we can achieve a 1.75x speedup over previously proposed 3D-DRAM approaches on our memory-intensive multi-programmed workloads on a quad-core processor. The significant increase in memory system performance makes the L2 miss handling architecture (MHA) a new bottleneck, which we address by combining a novel data structure called the Vector Bloom Filter with dynamic MSHR capacity tuning. Our scalable L2 MHA yields an additional 17.8% performance improvement over our 3D-stacked memory architecture.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Mp3 gain.......

                The audio-level of the down-loaded MP3 songs usually differs from file to file. So, each time you play a song in MP3 format, you may have to reach out to the volume knob to adjust the sound. MP3Gain adjusts the Mp3 files and ensures that they will have the same volume. I have found this particular useful in making personal CD’s of Mp3 files.

Download Link:


              It is difficult to fully uninstall many softwares. They leave behind fragments, while pile up and slow down your computer. As you browse, your computer downloads many temporary file, many of which may not go away. CCleaner helps you get rid of unwanted fragments and speed up ur computer.

                       Download free version of it:

Also read more interesting things on original contents on hadoop

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                It is difficult to fully uninstall many softwares. They leave behind fragments, while pile up and slow down your computer. As you browse, your computer downloads many temporary file, many of which may not go away. CCleaner helps you get rid of unwanted fragments and speed up ur computer.
                Download free version of it:

Also read more interesting things on original contents on hadoop

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